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Friday, April 13, 2012

DFMO: Interview with KIT-I

Below is from Google direct translate. Original interview in Russian can be found  here.

"We go beyond the horizons, to take an umbrella. Burn the bridges. It's you and me "- he sang at last year's Rainbow Grisha New Year's concert of Kit-I, after which four young new stars are really gone beyond the horizons as much as a year. But the bridges are not burned and returned, but the nerves spoiled fans. Which version is not only the advanced fans, losing sight of your favorite group, which yesterday flashed on all music channels. In social networks was a real panic. The fans have written management group of letters filled up producer Max Fadeev. Many people already believe in the disintegration of the group, when the Chinese were suddenly at the festival "at the top of Tengri" in Kazakhstan and have a concert in Moscow, which will be held March 10 at the club, "Schwein". Now guys are actively preparing for action, not disappearing over the horizon, and the rehearsal room where we met with them. Like a year ago, and have time to discuss creativity and the latest developments in the world well, and philosophize a little. Start a conversation like, of course, with troubling:

- Where have you been?
Sonya: We had a creative break, pause, which was we needed. We realized very, recruited forces.
Sergey: We're back up to date. When you play every day the same thing, once you realize that you have nothing more to squeeze out of myself. This kind of crisis. When you do a break in the work, always comes to mind is something new.

- Like what?
Grisha: We're playing an acoustic instrumental music depressing ...
Sergey: Yes, we have discovered a new direction in music - post-rock. In this music go away, it's like therapy is relaxation. But for now it's at 'for themselves. " Make this a song, we are not ready yet ...
- What has changed in the group of Kit-I?
Sergey: I changed hair and beard grew. Now I look like a gnome (laughs).
- A year ago, you talked about the values ​​of his many tattoos. Are there any new tattoos?
Pasha: I have done on his arm a black guitar. And the hand with the thread of life. The Greeks believed that people have a lot of threads of life ...
Sergey: I'm in the process of a tattoo on a religious theme.

- How can you comment on what you are looking for your fans?
Sonia: We are very pleased. I like it, frankly, flattered. So many people worry about the group ... this can only dream of! Thank you so much for this incredible support! We stay with you!
- Recently you were in Kazakhstan at the festival. What was the festival and how did it go?
Sonia: It was a festival devoted to the second anniversary radio "Tengri FM". We loved it the atmosphere of the concert, although there were some technical problems. Since this festival, each group sets up the equipment for themselves. And the sports palace was very large. We had a small problem with the sound, but everything went well.
Sergei: In Kazakhstan, a very beautiful mountains, the heat and almost no wind. I am pleased to come again.
- The site of Max Fadeev says: "Kit-I band was seen after the" long siege "musicians producing center" ...
Grisha: What precipitated, yes. Dzhusik was undermining, Skitls climbing the walls fortified, and Sonya was standing with a bow ... That's assault, and took ... (laughs) . 
Sonia: We could not find a radio station producer, which might be of interest to our audio. We always say, "Do not format." And we decided to try it. This was our last chance, because we're desperate. We waited for Maxim Alexandrovich near his office. We had to wait a long time, but we still managed to convey to him our records. Then we were invited into the office ...
- Maxim Fadeev - what is this person? 
Sergei: It is strict, but fair. It is very demanding. Before him is a kind of fear, awe. In other words - are respected. Sonia: He is like a father who tells you and guide you. Pasha: Maxim infinitely talented, we are pleased to be working under his direction.

- Do you think what the main plus his strategy? 
Sonia: Maxim Fadeev undertakes complex, alternative projects, such as, for example, Linda, Total. Such is quite difficult "roll" in Russia. He runs the risk - this is the most important advantage - certainly not stamping of successful projects, and the original risky moves.
- What do you think, what style of music is now the most fashionable, "sold" in Russia? 
Sonia: Chanson has always been the "rich" area, and they remain so. 
Pasha: Now very popular dubstep ... 
Grisha: I think the flash is dubstep'a short period of time. Many alternative Russian groups trying to get into this fashion wave that came from the west, introducing into their works of electronic music. I have nothing against. This is justified from a commercial point of view of a step, but, as Lenin said, this is some kind of "political prostitution": first Russian alternativschiki Kornobraznuyu playing music, because at that time, all listened to Korn ... then they started to play in the style of emo, then they same people otstrigli Bang and their music became more difficult again in fashion. Now here's the dubstep ...

- A year ago we talked about the problems of alternative music in Russia has changed ... for the year if the situation? 
Sonia: change only the hair ... (laughs) 
Grisha: In this issue ... and not only that ... we are both behind the whole world, and behind. I think it should take a long time before anything will change. We were torn away from the world long ago. After all, when Russia was baptized, there was not a single university has over 700 years after the baptism. Then, thanks to the revolution was made ​​the jump, but, alas, a little. I think we live in today with the ideals of a 50-year-old. After all, people still react aggressively only unusual appearance. I think when we become old, and maybe something will change, but I'm afraid, only in Moscow. After all, even between Moscow and Moscow region there is a huge chasm. It is necessary to drive off from Moscow by 100 miles - and you're in another world. Yesterday on TV, for example, talked about the city, where there is no drinking water.They are every day brought a large water tank, one in the entire city. I doubt that the citizens now have to do with some dubstep ...
- Now just so many "alternative" that has become fashionable to be "alternative alternative" ...
Grisha: Yeah what about those annoying pseudo-alternativschiki ... "I read Nietzsche, watch a movie that no one is watching and listening to a group that no one ever heard, and in general I'm super anti-mainstream. " Irritating to the fashion for the pseudo-scholarship, pseudo-erudition. All the mass reading Wikipedia, and read the page dedicated to something already considered himself a connoisseur of topics. While much is written in Wikipedia voidable. I would have deleted it at all. Pasha: Hmmm ... How one group of "revolutionaries against the zombie" hacked and "cut down" the network for the Playstation.
- Since you are so against Wikipedia ... then advise what resources to use? 
Grisha: It is necessary to get acquainted with different sources, rather than with one. Read the different sites, forms, and books. To form an opinion. There are many theories, versions, both interesting and crazy. To get to the truth must all learn and compare.
- Important to you clothing brand, a brand? Where do you get dressed. Looking through the photo reports from some of the activities, I noticed that a few times you go out from head to toe wearing Adidas. 
Sergei: Yes, we are working with Adidas. This is definitely cool clothes. But just for the brands we do not pursue. Adidas-it's just convenient and up to date. Generally, I buy the thing in any store, as long as like.
- And if we talk about musical instruments? What is important is whether the firm? 
Grisha: I do not care what is written on the guitar. I take it in hand, pull the string and I understand she likes me or not. And if you like it, no matter what it costs 2 rubles, and the firm I see for the first time in my life - I still buy it. Sonia: My bass disassembled many times, will rebuild, set up that I do not know what it firm. Pasha: I play guitar company Gibson. I like her sound. Serge: But I would like to play the drum set DW Custom, but it costs about 200 thousand. Maybe someday ... I want to play good instruments. Now I have a dish Zildjian - also very good.

- Do you have songs like «Bullets», «Already dead» and «Intro», you have to perform live for a long time, but which are not recorded. There will be a studio recording these songs?And when will the new material? 
Pasha: Yes, the songs we write. We hope that very soon. Recorded new material ready yet, but we are actively working. At the upcoming concert will be playing songs that people already know. We did not have a year ... It would be something like a nostalgic evening. And then we head to leave work.
- This year you were nominated for "OE Video Music Awards». Last year you won in two categories. And what results this year? 
Sonia: I have been told the fans how active they voted for us. Yes, dammit! Even our mothers vote! (laughs) But it so happened that this year we have not won ... Grisha: I think everything was like in the election ... That is to say-? Sergei: fake. All agreed in advance.

- Speaking of the election. Go to vote? 
Serge: I've not gone to the polls and did not go. I am apolitical. Grisha: It seems to me impossible to be apolitical ... Serge: Grisha, well, that's what you can change it? Nothing, you know! And then why go? Grisha: That's because many so-talk, go to the polls only 60% of the population! It's all so clear, but I still want to perform your civic duty and vote. I care about my country.

- Over the past year we have gone from bright personality of this century. For example, Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Steve Jobs ... 
Grisha: I honestly do not understand why so fanatically pray to Steve Jobs. Yes, it is certainly a clever man. But as far as I know, he thought, not all at Apple. Personally to me it did no good, that I once suffered because of his death. Creativity Amy Winehouse I did not like, and Whitney Houston ... I think the world is much more important event than the death of artists, public figures.
- Each generation is associated with something. If you try to look from side to us, we - a generation of what? 
Grisha: There is a very good picture on this topic. Drawn by the audience at the concerts in different years. In the 70 people raised their hands to indicate "IPR" in the '80s - "goat" in the '90s - his fists, and the picture that shows these days people are holding cameras. I think this picture perfectly reflects reality. Everything has become too technologically advanced. Sonya:What are the emotions and energy can be obtained from the concert, looking at him through the screen of the camera? ... Grisha: Children steeped in technology. When we were small, too, played into the computer. But we had time to walk. I do not see kids who run around with sticks in the street and shout: "I killed you! - No, I killed you! ". Where are they, the young visionaries? Pasha: His parents are "dumped" on the children's technique ... Serge: Yeah ... "Do not bother me at, here, iPhone, just leave me alone ..." Pasha: This course is a plus - many children from an early age are steep programmers. But what is the price? ... Grisha: We sit like old men argue (all laugh).

Sergei: Yes. Something we have all the bad news. Spring in fact! Congratulations to all of the spring! And I would like to congratulate the girls on the coming March 8. Personally, on my own I wish you to be feminine, not to lose that grace and elegance, which for some reason it has become fashionable to hide under a mask of feigned brutality. Be gentle. And happy!
Well, we wish the group to China to this spring was in the spring, flowering, and a new beginning of their work.
Len Mills

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