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Sunday, March 27, 2011

3 Steps To Look Like Sonya Fink

Many fans of KIT-I has been trying to copy the image of Sonya. Thus Sonya had decided to tell it herself, what is in her wardrobe. And also shared the secrets of her makeup.

1. One stands out!

All my life I tried to stand out from the crowd. Anyway! For example, in past 10 years I wore on my hands a bunch of homemade fenichek of beads. Later, I began upgrading my clothes: sewed pockets, all sorts of bright colors and patterned designs. The past 12 years, my favorite colors were yellow, orange and blue. Now I cannot tolerate them.Still, a desire for individualism remained. 

2. Choose clothes according to mood

I love to combine femininity and brutality. In my wardrobe there are a lot of different outfits. Choosing the right one, listen to your mood. Yesterday, I could be in a pretty white dress, today, a T-shirt, shirt and shorts dimensionless, and tomorrow in strict jacket and trousers. And at the same time I retain the individuality, combining objects and colors in a certain way. Love the color black which is a timeless classics!

3. Eyeliner, it's mine!

Started at early age of 13. I remember a long time ago I used the eyeliner with mascara and shadow of brown and beige shades.There are no limit to war paint! Of course, there are some personal favorites, for example, "arrows". Sometimes I use eye shadow, but not bright colors. Recently, in vogue this «smokey eyes» is a excellent choice for the evening.  I always use lipstick in a light beige hue. It's more suitable to me. And yet-sometimes-I use red lipstick!

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